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MISTER CA for Webex Calling

for Webex Calling

Collect, analyze and report Webex Calling CDRs
and other metadata.

APIs to popular CRMs and custom APPs

Webex Calling Metrics & Reporting

Webex Calling Call Metrics & Reporting

Webex Calling is a cloud-based phone system and is gaining market share due to rapid digitalization of organizations and the society in general, especially since many employees switched to work from home.

This trend will continue to increase in post Covid period due to enabling easiness, reduced capex cost and better time management.

There is need to account, and report call info such as participant names, directory numbers, call durations and means used during the calls, type of calls etc.

MISTER CA Webex Calling App that collects, analyzes and report CDRs from Cisco Webex Calling calls.

MISTER CA Metrics Webex Calling Addon for organizations already using MISTER CA Metrics.

MISTER CA Webex Calling Reporting Proposal

Use MISTER CA Metrics Webex Calling Reporting tool to:

Download Webex Calling CDRs.

Analyze and Report Calls info (info will be available about 30 min after call completion).

Reports include session ids, call participant list, call duration, means used, directory numbers, trunks etc.

Immediate enhancements will include integration with MISTER CA Metrics Reports to (a) consolidate user info for calls and meetings made using IP PBX, Webex Calling and other collaboration tools, (b) calls and meetings consolidated statistics per team, cost center, branch etc.


Use MISTER APIs and APPs to:

  • Screen Pop-up customer’s info – compatible with popular CRM
  • Intergrade customer info into Webex Calling
  • Record and/or archive audio recording to on premises VMs.
  • Custom Apps for the financial and services sectors

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